February 22, 2025
New York, USA
virtual and in person participation
Concept Note
Latest figures from Pew Research show that as of 2016, about six-in-ten Syrians are displaced from their homes. According to the latest available figures from the Turkish Directorate General for Migration Management (DGMM) currently there are approximately 3,1 million foreign nationals present in Turkish territory seeking for the international protection. Most of them are Syrians 2,730,485 who are granted with the temporary protection status, while according to UNHCR another greater group of the foreign nationals requiring Turkish humanitarian and legal protection are 271,466 asylum applicants consisting of different nationalities, but mainly coming from Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, Somalia and other countries. The studying of current international relations trends and new challenges of reducing international conflicts is one way to support the cooperation between academics with needful thoughts and recommendations on resolving problems in international arena and practitioners working in fields. Themes of the symposium not focusing solely on displacement, recovery and stabilization, violence reduction, conflict resolution and transitional justice. But also will advance the discourse on the roots of these challenging trends of international relations. And the main reason for holding the symposium in Ankara city is that these regions of Turkey occure to be the most legitimate place in virtue of witnessing the whole tragedy of what means to be displaced and by hosting refugee camps, which will allow participants to see and expirience, also will provide an opportunity to discuss what can be done to alleviate the suffering of millions.
We are seeking researches by individuals, academics, or institutions to address all aspects of challenging trends of international relations. The conference will provide a platform for the presentation and discussion of findings of completed or ongoing researches.
The themes will touch upon different aspects of globalization and international relations.